Jacob A. Sadavoy

Jacob A. Sadavoy


Jacob A. Sadavoy (he/him) is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst with 20 years of experience applying the principles of applied behaviour analysis in home programs, clinical centre-based programs, school environments as a teacher and educational consultant, businesses, and hospitals throughout North America. To date, Jacob has travelled to fifteen different countries to collaborate with local clinicians to develop culturally-informed, socially significant, behaviour analytic strategies based on their local environment.

The ethical challenges and barriers of disseminating ABA effectively domestically and throughout the world culminated in Understanding Ethics in Applied Behavior Analysis: Practical Applications. Jacob also sat as the 2019 Vice President of the Ethics and Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group, a member of the Behavior Analyst SIG on Supervision, as well as Teamwork Healthcare’s Clinical Board. Jacob’s key areas of interest are ethics, supervision, sustainable dissemination, social justice, stakeholder engagement, and services across the lifespan. Jacob’s interest in social justice and compassionate care has culminated in this tome titled A Scientific Framework for Compassion and Social Justice: Lessons in Applied Behavior Analysis.

Jacob co-founded an Organizational Behavioural Management consulting company, CB Consultants, with Michelle Zube with the mission to promote employee wellness and improved communication throughout an organization. CB Consultants also looks to promote effective training by establishing Communities of Practice.


Promoting a Compassionate Culture within an Organization

Organizational Behavior Management has a long, rich history within the field of applied behavior analysis. In this chapter, a brief historical review will be provided along with future applications for the field to explore in an effort to meet the needs of employees during the current sociocultural and political environment that challenge connectedness. There exists a need for organizations to understand and promote a culture that is supportive and compassionate through listening, incorporating perspective taking, and empathic responding.


Stop Judging a Person by Their Cover: How Stereotypes Limit Our Connection with Others

Social categorization and an ensuing outcome of social categorization, stereotyping, inadvertently promote prejudice and social discord. B.F. Skinner’s Walden Two envisioned a world in which the societal structures of his authored utopia, would be governed by the scientific principles that human behavior is learned based on the environment. He postulates that if we engage in an “experimental attitude towards everything” a social process of negative value, for example stereotyping, would become obsolete (Skinner, 1948). In this essay, social categorization and stereotyping will be presented as an ongoing social challenge rooted in individual biases based on one’s learning history. This essay will discuss ways in which behavior analytic principles could be used effectively to address this socially significant limitation by using relational frame theory, stimulus equivalence, and compassion.

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Michelle L. Zube (Co-author)