Disproportionality is a situation in which a particular group (e.g., racial, ethnic, etc.) is represented at a higher or lower percentage than their percentage in the general population. Disproportionality is evident in Special Education and school discipline as well. There are many negative impacts of this disproportionality including harsh punishment for minor infractions and support of the school to prison pipeline. School suspension data from throughout the state of New Jersey will be discussed. Behaviour analytic based treatments such as Positive Behavioral Supports, Social Skills Groups, Early Intervention | Antecedent Strategies that Focus on Prevention, Classroom Management Program (e.g., CHAMPS), and Restorative Justice are appropriate alternatives to zero-tolerance policies and punishment procedures. There are advantages and disadvantages to these alternative treatments, but behavior analysts can evaluate treatment to ensure that strategies are implemented within a culturally appropriate system. After implementation, data analysis can be used to evaluate the effectiveness to reduce disproportionality.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will identify examples of disproportionality in education
Participants will be able to explain aggregate data of students with learning disabilities from schools that receive behaviour analytic consultation services and use said data to provide specific interventions for students that are marginalized
Participants will be able to demonstrate how to use resources provided to address racial bias in education
Participants will be able to provide alternatives solutions to school discipline