Crystal Thompson
Crystal Thompson
Crystal Thompson is the founder of BELIEVE AUTISM and has worked with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders since 2005. She has a Master's Degree in Counseling from Nova Southeast University and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. She combines her passion to work with children with ASD and their families with her love for dance, as well as provide various opportunities through art classes, tutoring, and support groups. She has disseminated ABA utilizing culturally-informed collaborative training in Nigeria, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, and Kenya and a school in India. She oversaw and promoted staff skill building using a telehealth model for a center in Abuja, Nigeria.
Filling your Vessel: Recognizing Burnout and Choosing Self-Care: Looking at Bullying through a Behavioral Lens
In a society where achievement is so highly reinforced, we often forget to take the time to take care of ourselves. Self-care is vital for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In order to give to others, you have to give from a full vessel. Without refilling your vessel daily, you run the risk of being overwhelmed by daily stressors that can increase stress and ultimately lead to burnout. Burnout hinders you from giving your all. Self-care does the opposite. Practicing self-care through maintaining your health, creating boundaries, and doing something you love daily allows you to be the best version of yourself.